Quit Whining!
As you may have noticed I am a big proponent of giving aid to Africa and other impoverished nations to help them help themselves. The media (namely the news agencies) have done little to promote the "good" and righteous side of the men and women who are donating their time and money to make things happen for Africa. In fact, they seem to have done quite the opposite. Instead of rallying people to help they attract people to slay these campaigns. I don't know if this is power politics or what (I'm guessing so because there's billions and billions of dollars at stake). But something got to change. The article on MSNBC (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8216883/) today is a very public unwarranted and unprovoked attack upon the individuals who are putting together the Live 8 Concert to raise awareness for poverty and AIDs in Africa and other poverty stricken nations (learn more at http://www.live8live.com). Here's a well deserved kudos to those who are getting off of their couches and finally doing something about these things that they find wrong in this world. I believe it was Mahatma Ghandi who said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." I think people sit around and do nothing but complain about things or other people because they are too lazy to actually do something. The simple fact is that its easier to complain. I'm not proclaiming to be better than others at the "doing something" part, but I think anyone with a shred of common sense and a shred of knowing good from evil can agree that helping people in Africa is good. I'll leave you with a quote from the Donald, "People settle for mediocrity for one reason: they're lazy. I've seen it so often. People go into something, they don't want to go that extra step. They know it's not going to be great, it might be good, it might be ok, it's not going to be great. They settle for mediocrity. They're lazy."
Thumbs-Up: Sir Bob Geldof (Live 8 Promoter)
Thumbs-Down: Complainers
Thumbs-Up: Sir Bob Geldof (Live 8 Promoter)
Thumbs-Down: Complainers
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