Home Depot's 180
Well it seems that Reason and Sound Judgement finally got the better of the folks in management at HD. They did an about face this week after shunning the shareholders at their annual meeting roughly a week ago (see Yahoo! article http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/060601/home_depot_shareholders.html?.v=2). It's a pity you get these overpaid CEO's who come in, do nothing for shareholder value (see 1st chart since current CEO's tenure started), lose ground to the competition (2nd chart of Lowe's Co.), take their multi-millions in pay and then have the audacity to tell the shareholders to shut-up and go home at their annual meeting. Remember, these are the people that OWN THE COMPANY! What geniuses at HD decided it was ok to hold a 15 minute meeting and then tell the shareholders they don't deserve answers to legitimate, well-thought out questions? Home Depot was a great company for a long time, with consistent growth, co-founded by Arthur Blank, a responsible and respectible businessman who happened to graduate from the nation's premier entreprenuerial school, Babson College. But, the current company seems to be a shade of it's former self. I haven't done any detailed analysis of HD's fundamentals and financials, but I have a problem with the company not being able to increase shareholder value during the same period as the biggest housing boom in the history of the country occurred. As a shareholder (owner of the business) I demand a certain level of accountability from those individuals I help elect to management. For those same individuals to say I don't deserve that right is a show of arrogance and stupidity. I don't own HD but if I did I would sell my shares. That type of governance has no place in my portfolio. HD may return to be a great company, but I don't see it happening under the current regime.

Charts courtesy of www.bigcharts.com - - A great Chart site...
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