Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Updates and fyi's

The start of my fund is taking a long time. The programming of the software is a considerable pain in the you know what...It's moving but slower than I would like. As for the market...Iran is going to be a major, major issue for our country and the markets. Any continued political action or offensive rhetoric from the Iranians could set off what I see as an impending recession. The economy is weak, inflation does exist, housing isn't cooling, it's in a recession. Higher adjusted rates = higher mortgages = less expendable cash = weaker economy...it's not rocket science, it's common sense.

As for particular ideas...
Currently I own US Gold (UXG), Crystallex (KRY) and Silver Wheaton (SLW). All three will rally on any slow down (collapse!) of the $USD and would also benefit if the Iranian situation escalates. Other ideas I currently have include a long term play on SHLD. A company and owner I respect highly. They have had a great year so I'm waiting for a pull back, which may have already started?!? Word on the street is that SHLD could make a major play in the retail sector (possibly HD or GAP??). A recession could make these even more attractive to Lampert and his crew. This is a long term idea only and not consistent with the more short and intermediate term strategies to be employed in my fund.