The most important part in this or any problem is not the realizing there is a problem it is doing something about it. This is where people get lazy. Yes nearly everyone in America realizes that the situation in Africa is not right. But how many of them are willing to do something? 1 million? I doubt it. Bill offered the following possible solution: "In my case, I believe I could, without difficulty, organize 100 or more of the world's top traders to manage offshore (and untaxed) a pool of billions of dollars of donated capital, at minimal cost, with the profits going to finance this programme."
Well Bill, consider yourself challenged. I'm not sure if you can do it. I hope for everyone's sake you can. I realize this is no short order, contrary to your statement that it would not be difficult. If you need assistance, any at all, do not know how to reach me. Let's see what we can conjurer up in the next week and I could do some promotion at Live 8 in Philly. In addition, I'd love to hear other people's ideas on how we can combat the problems.
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